Mumbai: Details about Motorola's upcoming smartphone, dubbed the Moto X, have been revealed. ABC News cites unnamed sources stating that the smartphone will be highly customisable before purchasing. On a website, buyers can pick what colour they want for their smartphone, as well as engrave a message on the back of the handset.
The smartphone will be running on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean, which is currently the latest version of the operating system (not counting the leaked 4.3 build).
The handset is currently being tested by carriers in the US, but the smartphone will also be available through a website.
According to earlier speculation and leaks, the Moto X will not feature top of the line hardware, instead will compete with the mid-rangers in the market currently. It will have a Qualcomm MSM8960 Pro dual-core processor, clocked at 1.7GHz.
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