MSN India launches language portals
MSN India launches language portals
MSN India on Friday celebrated its sixth anniversary by launching five regional language portals.

New Delhi: MSN India on Friday celebrated its sixth anniversary by launching regional language portals in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam, besides making considerable changes to its India homepage.

The company also unveiled Windows Live Messenger in these five languages and introduced Windows Live Domains.

The MSN Messenger would enable people to chat in their regional languages.

"Personal Computers experience, nowdays, are mainly online and are going beyond a single computer. The web is becoming 'My web' and people are not just visiting portals, but are writing on the web as well.

"Therefore, all softwares need to adapt to online services in order to tap the online opportunity that is getting bigger," MSN India and Windows Live Country Head, Jaspreet Bindra said.

By 2010, India would have around 110 million Internet users as against the current 45 million and there is a need for increased market penetration, gain share from the regional markets and increase advertiser base, MSN India's Digital Marketing Revenue and Strategic Business Head Rajnish said.

"The company already has 40 per cent share in advertising, with these regional portals, we are expecting an additional 10 per cent," Rajnish said.

The regional language portals will have its own localised news and will deal with subjects of local interest, MSN India and Windows Live programming Head Krishna Prasad said adding the company is working towards providing MSN search in regional language.

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