Mumbai blasts: PM appeals for calm
Mumbai blasts: PM appeals for calm
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday led the nation in severely condemning a series of bomb blasts that rocked Mumbai.

New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday led the nation in severely condemning a series of bomb blasts that rocked the suburban rail network in the country's commercial hub on Tuesday evening, killing around 150 people and injuring over 300.

Dr Singh declared that the Government would work to defeat the evil designs of terrorists and not allow them to succeed.

He appealed to the people to maintain calm in the wake of the series of blasts that claimed several lives in Mumbai and Jammu and Kashmir.

In a statement issued after presiding over an emergency meeting, Dr Singh assured the people that the Government would take all possible measures to maintain law and order and defeat the forces of terrorism.

''The series of blasts in Jammu and Kashmir and in Mumbai are shocking and cowardly attempts to spread a feeling of fear and terror among our citizens. My heart reaches out and grieves for all those affected by these blasts and have lost their near and dear,'' he said.

''I condemn these shameful acts aimed at our peace-loving people. I reiterate our commitment to fighting terror in all its forms,'' he added.

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