Muzaffarnagar riots: 13 children born in camp without any medical help
Muzaffarnagar riots: 13 children born in camp without any medical help
Three women also suffered miscarriage while a few had to be admitted to a nearby hospital.

Ghaziabad: Thirteen children have been born in the last eight days in a Muzaffarnagar riot relief camp. But the condition of the newly born children is not good due to lack of medical care.

The children were born to women who had taken shelter in one of the madrasas in Ghaziabad's Loni area and they are not ready to go back home.

As there are no doctors at the camp, so all the deliveries were carried out by other women present in the camp. Three women also suffered miscarriage while a few had to be admitted to a nearby hospital after their condition deteriorated.

One of the baby has been named Najma, whose father and two other relatives were killed in riots. Her house was set on fire and the rioters even took away their buffaloes. Now the Najma's mother is worried about the future as the condition in the camp is very bad.

An infant suffered severe burns after hot tea fell on her. The nearest health centre denied treatment to her and asked her relatives to take her to e bigger hospital. But as her mother did not have the money for hospital fee, so she is being treated at the cam itself.

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