Mystery fever in 17 Nagpur villages
Mystery fever in 17 Nagpur villages
Chicken Gunia has symptoms similar to dengue fever, symptoms are high fever, body ache.

Kodhaki (Nagpur): A mysterious fever, identified as Chicken Gunia, has afflicted about 450 persons in about 17 villages of Nagpur District.

Similar in symptoms to dengue fever, Chicken Gunia leaves individuals complaining of high fever, body ache, joint pains and spells of nausea.

Several patients with symptoms of chicken gunia are undergoing treatment at the Primary Health Centre (PHC).

"I suffered high fever. My body became stiff suddenly. I had severe pain in the joints and I find difficulty in walking. I took medicines but it is not helping me. I am still under treatment," said Ramdas, a patient.

Fahim Akhtar, the medical officer at the Kodhaki Primary Health Centre, said that blood samples of some of the patients have been sent to the National Institute of Virology in Pune to confirm the presence of the disease.

Chicken Gunia is caused by mosquito bites and at present, no vaccine exists to counter it.

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