Nawaz holds rally in NWFP, defies Zardari
Nawaz holds rally in NWFP, defies Zardari
It was the biggest show of hands at the rally in Abbotabad in NWFP.

New Delhi: An Obama-like declaration for change, a call for revolution to change the face of Pakistan. That is what Nawaz Sharif did in his rally at Abbotabad on Wednesday.

It was the biggest show of hands at the rally in Abbotabad in NWFP. It was also Nawaz Sharif's declaration of war against President Zardari and he wanted that declaration to resonate loud and clear beyond the frontier.

"I have smashed the mirror today for there should be complete transparency between me and you," he told the people attending the rally.

"The March 16 'Long March' will change the present regime and the country. The government has imposed Section 144 in Punjab. I salute those who defied 144 in Sindh," he added.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's Information Minister Sherry Rahman said that imposing Section 144 was the last option for the PPP. "The PPP did not want to impose Section 144. We have been pushed to the wall and this was our last option. There were repeated calls of civil disobedience and revolution, which were not in the interest of anyone.

The trigger was an overnight crackdown on politicians and lawyers across Pakistan. Raids were conducted and senior PML-N leaders were arrested. Even Tehrik-e-Insaaf chief Imran khan wasn't spared. The intention was to halt the Long March by lawyers on Thursday for an independent judiciary.

And all this was taking place with President Zardari out of the country on an official visit to Tehran.

At the Army Headquarters in Rawalpindi, meanwhile, the concern among the Army brass has been growing. General Kayani sensed impending chaos as the politicians squared off. He stepped in with a warning to the government to shape up, sparking off rumours that the army was preparing a coup.

Kayani first called on Prime Minister Gilani, the man President Zardari is known to despise, suggesting a possible General Kayani plus Gilani plus Nawaz Sharif alliance designed to reduce Zardari to a footnote.

But Zardari has been watching. He is now reported to be moving to dismiss Gilani. However, the real cause for General Kayani's concern may lie beyond the politicians squabbles.

Zardari's clumsy attempts to line up his own favourites among the generals for key posts as corps commanders is known to Kayani. He has already been warned to perform or perish by the General. If Zardari persists on the collision course with the military, the result is foretold for no civilian has ever triumphed over the military in Pakistan's history.


Zardari seems to be coming under increasing pressure from all sides - political, military and from the Taliban - all this in the last three weeks.

  • February 17: The government signed a ceasefire with the Taliban in the Swat valley, conceding Sharia Law in return for peace.
  • February 27: A Supreme Court bench disqualified Nawaz Sharif from contesting elections.
  • March 3: A brazen attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in the heart of Lahore.
  • March 10: Government attempts to stop the Long March by lawyers on March 12.
  • March 11: Crackdown after Army chief General Kayani reportedly gave Zardari an ultimatum to clear up the mess. The US says its worried about the next attack on America coming from Pakistan.

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