No faculty reservation in IIT and IIM, bill soon
No faculty reservation in IIT and IIM, bill soon
HRD ministry informed the IIT council that their demands have been met.

New Delhi: In a significant development, 47 top institutions in the country including the IITs and IIMs as well as the central university will be exempted from faculty reservations.

The job reservations for SC/ST citizens in India so far has been through a bunch executive order.

In the last session, the ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) introduced a bill to provide a framework for job quotas. But the HRD ministry informed the IIT council today that the bill will not include India's premier institutions.

The HRD ministry informed the council in a meeting that their long standing demand to exempt IITs and IIMs from faculty reservations has been met.

The UPA in the last session has introduced a bill in Parliament to provide statutory framework to quotas in jobs. The bill is now with the upper house, the Rajya Sabha.

HRD ministry has informed that the bill will exclude 47 top institutes including IITs, IIMs and NITs as well as all central universities, from reservations.

The bill is called SC/ST Post Resevation Bill, 2008.

The Prime Minister had gone to IIT Guwahati last year where the institute made a representation aganst quotas in the faculty of these premier institutes.

For the time in his tenure, HRD Minister Arjun Singh has readily conceded to the demands of the anti-reservation lobby.

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