Osama patrols Colombian streets to ensure peace
Osama patrols Colombian streets to ensure peace
Aguirre dresses as the al-Qaeda leader and even claims to be his son.

Bogota (Colombia): On the streets of Bogota, Osama bin Laden, or at least his lookalike, has a new mission — to deter crime.

Fernando Aguirre patrols the streets of Santa Fe, one of Bogota's most dangerous neighbourhoods, dressed as the al-Qaeda leader and even claims to be his son.

Ever since September 11, 2001, Aguirre adopted the look of Osama bin Laden in the belief his presence on the mean streets of Bogota would help cut crime and bring order to an area rife with crime, prostitution and drug-dealing.

While US forces in Afghanistan remain engaged in relentless pursuit of the nation's number one enemy, Aguirre is a welcome figure on the streets of Bogota and Aguirre says he has the support of local police.

"I work every nights. I go out and patrol practically the entire neighbourhood. I patrol it with some dogs and I try to bring a little more security to the neighbourhood and I have the support of the police," said Aguirre.

Neighbours and police in the area say the Osama pose has instilled terror of the right kind in would-be miscreants.

"Because of the character that he represents, he wants them to call him or they call him Osama and sometimes he awakes some interest, curiosity, and sometimes fear among those who do not know him," said Captain Jose Francisco Pena, the policeman assigned to the same beat as "Osama".

Samuel Sanchez, owner of a local shop, said "Osama" had helped cut crime.

"I almost feel more secure with Osama than with the police because he is more aware, he goes around with a dog and a stick. Today, he didn't have the dog with him but he usually has the dog, a rifle and the stick and he is enemy number one to the thieves."

Aguirre said he believed his father may even be Osama bin Laden.

"I know nothing about my father because he left us when I was eight months and I don't know anything about my father, that's why I believe that he is Osama Bin Laden."

The security guard survives on tips from people in the area and shop owners.

"(I guard) stores, taverns, and, most of all, restaurants, so that people come to have fun here in Santa Fe and it is not a dangerous place because Osama is here," said Aguirre.

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