Patna blasts: Bihar Police registers FIR against Indian Mujahideen
Patna blasts: Bihar Police registers FIR against Indian Mujahideen
The FIR is important as Bihar police had so far refused to do any enquiry into the IM madhubani module and had neither sought custody of Yasin Bhatkal.

Patna: Weeks after serial blasts rocked Patna near the site of Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) Hunkar rally in October, Bihar police has registered the first FIR against Indian Mujahideen. FIR has been registered in the Gandhi Maidan police station and names Tehsin Akhtar and others suspects of Patna blast.

According to sources, this is a generic FIR which will give Bihar police a chance to seek custody of all IM operatives including Yasin Bhatkal.

The FIR is being considered as important because the Bihar police had so far refused to do any enquiry into IM Madhubani module and had neither sought custody of Bhatkal.

Sources in the police say that so far the intelligence inputs sent to Bihar were not good enough for action. The Patna blast has given them that breakthrough hence the FIR has been registered.

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