MYSORE: A labourer, who was shackled with iron chains and made to work in a jaggery unit in T Malligere village of Mandya taluk, was rescued by the police on Sunday evening.Girish, a native of Maduvanahalli in Kollegal taluk, was forced to work at the unit owned by one Shanthappa.Mandya rural police Sub- Inspector Balakrishna, acting on a tip-off, raided the jaggery unit and rescued Girish on Sunday evening.Girish is said to have borrowed Rs 5,000 from Shanthappa and promised to work in his jaggery unit to clear the debt.When Girish failed to turn up for work, Shanthappa, who saw Girish in Mandya town on Sunday morning, managed to take him to T Malligere and had his right leg shackled with help of Khan, and forced him to work at his jaggery unit in lieu of the loan he had given Girish.The shackled labourer was forced to feed sugarcane waste (bagasse) to the oven to prepare jaggery at Shantappa’s unit.SI Balakrishna said that the police removed the shackles and got Girish treated at a hospital.Mandya police have arrested Khan, while the jaggery unit owner Shanthappa is absconding.
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