Prithvi theatre festival begins in Mumbai
Prithvi theatre festival begins in Mumbai
Day one saw Satyadev Dubey's Khuda Ke Liye Mat Kehna.

Mumbai: The 30th Prithvi festival kicked off in Mumbai with a big bang on Thursday evening. This year the festival pays tribute to the most loved and the most hated man of modern Hindi theatre - Satyadev Debey.

His first student was also present at the opening. "I was still in college, in Xavier’s, and when Dubey did his first play he just took me in it," says Jyoti a theatre personality.

"He is a brilliant theatre teacher; In fact he is the best that we have," says Film Maker Shyam Benegal.

"What fascinates me about him is that........his primary focus will always be theatre," Trustee, Prithvi Theatre Sanjana Kapoor.

This year all the plays are handpicked by Satyadev Dubey himself. Day one saw Satyadev Dubey's Khuda Ke Liye Mat Kehna a play that sketches Dubey's life best.

The 10day long festival will go on at Prithvi theatre Juhu , Karnataka sangh at Matunga and Horniman circle at fort in Mumbai. So for theatre lovers in the city it is the time to head to one of these venues.

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