Sanjit 'fake' encounter: Herojit's 'admission' baseless , says Imphal top cop
Sanjit 'fake' encounter:  Herojit's 'admission' baseless , says Imphal top cop
SP Akoijam Jhalajhi rejects constable's charge that he ordered the unarmed former militant to be gunned down

Imphal: A senior police officer, accused by constable Herojit Singh of ordering him to gun down a former militant in Manipur, has strongly denied the charges.

Superintendent of police Akoijam Jhalajhi told CNN-IBN on Wednesday that Herojit's "admission" of shooting Sanjit Meitei in a fake encounter was "motivated, baseless and concocted."

This after Herojit said in an exclusive interview to the channel that he killed an unarmed Sanjit on orders from Jhalajhi, the then additional SP in Imphal.

He also claimed that the then DGP and chief minister Ibobi Singh were in the know of the order to gun down the former militant

SP Jhalajhi said the case was thoroughly investigated and closed by the CBI.

The alleged fake encounter inside a pharmacy in Imphal in 2009 had sparked widespread protests in Manipur.

Sanjit Meitei was a former cadre of terrorist group PLA, who was arrested in 2000 and soon released, following which he went back to the group.

In 2007 he was arrested again under National Security Act, a year after he left the militant outfit citing health reasons.

A year later he was again released, but was shot dead by police personnel at a market place in Imphal in 2009.

State and central agencies were trying to contact Herojit Singh, but he was untraceable. The NHRC has sought a report on the alleged fake encounter. The Manipur government is yet to react to Herojit's charges.

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