Spare Saddam, says Dalai Lama
Spare Saddam, says Dalai Lama
A statement from the Dalai Lama's office said the death penalty is clearly a form of revenge.

Mumbai: The Dalai Lama urged Iraqi authorities on Monday to spare the life of Saddam Hussein, sentenced to death this month, saying the guilty should get a chance to reform.

A US-backed Iraqi court found Saddam guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced him to death for his role in the killing of 148 Shi'ite villagers after a failed assassination bid in 1982.

"The death penalty, although fulfils a preventive function, is clearly a form of revenge," a statement from the Dalai Lama's office in India said.

"However horrible the act committed, His Holiness believes that everyone has the potential to improve and correct themselves,” the statement added.

Human rights groups and legal experts have called Saddam's yearlong trial, during which three defence lawyers were killed, deeply flawed. He might have an outside chance of escaping execution through an appeals process, which could take months.

Tibet's spiritual leader, who lives in exile in India, praised the European Union for opposing the death penalty for Saddam.

The verdict has satisfied countries the former Iraqi dictator invaded but caused resentment amongst some Arabs who see him as the victim of a US-inspired show trial.

"His Holiness hopes that in this case, as in all others, human life will be respected and spared," the statement said.

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