Tarot: Are you turning into a corporate octopus?
Tarot: Are you turning into a corporate octopus?
Take a break when things get too exhausting and frustrating today.

Corporate Octopuses have more hands than eyes, ears and noses put together. One hand may be dialing a number while the other is reaching out for yet another cup of coffee during another marathon meeting. And all this while their grey cells are jogging from one idea, project, plan to the next.

But nobody knows just how tired the corporate octopus really is. The Tarot angels are whispering “lie down, switch off the phone, sssssh, silent the mind”

Take a break when things get too exhausting, mind-boggling and frustrating today. Do something exclusively for your peace of mind.

Put the cellphone on silent and just focus on your breath. Somethings refuse to be sorted out when the mind or body is exhausted.

Expect frustrations today. Realise the futility of overexertion.

(From the desk of Mita Bhan - www.mitabhan.com)

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