Two juveniles have been held for allegedly sodomising and murdering a four-year-old boy at Tuglakpur village in Muzaffarnagar, police said on Monday. The juveniles, aged between 10-12 years, were taken into custody on Sunday on the charges of sodomy and murder. On Saturday, the accused allegedly sexually assaulted the minor after luring him to their house and then strangulated him, they said. The juveniles were on Sunday taken into 14-day judicial custody and have been sent to a juvenile home.
Two juveniles have been held for allegedly sodomising and murdering a four-year-old boy at Tuglakpur village in Muzaffarnagar, police said on Monday. The juveniles, aged between 10-12 years, were taken into custody on Sunday on the charges of sodomy and murder. On Saturday, the accused allegedly sexually assaulted the minor after luring him to their house and then strangulated him, they said. The juveniles were on Sunday taken into 14-day judicial custody and have been sent to a juvenile home.
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