US offers aid if Pak reins in nuke scientist A Q Khan
US offers aid if Pak reins in nuke scientist A Q Khan
A Q Khan was pardoned by former Pakistani President Musharraf.

New Delhi: American lawmakers passed a legislation making US military aid to Pakistan conditional. The aid is based on whether the US gets access to disgraced Pakistani nuclear scientist A Q Khan.

One of the world's most notorious nuclear technology proliferators, Pakistani scientist A Q Khan, was released from house arrest recently in Pakistan.

He had been under virtual house arrest since 2004, although he was pardoned by former Pakistani President Musharraf during the latter’s regime.

Khan, the father of Pakistan's nuclear program was released by a court in February.

The US lawmakers also want assurances that Islamabad is monitoring Khan's movements.

The US has proposed to give Pakistan 1.5 billion dollars over 5 years if it complies with the conditions.

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