Uttarakhand floods: Insurance claims estimated at Rs 3,000 crore
Uttarakhand floods: Insurance claims estimated at Rs 3,000 crore
General insurance claims on account of damage caused by the flood fury in Uttarakhand were estimated to be around Rs 3,000 crore, a top official of United India Insurance Company Ltd, (UIIC) said.

General insurance claims on account of damage caused by the flood fury in Uttarakhand were estimated to be around Rs 3,000 crore, a top official of United India Insurance Company Ltd, (UIIC) said.

General insurance claims arising out of the floods was estimated to be around Rs 3,000 crore, in which UIIC exposure would be Rs 500 crore, company Chairman cum Managing Director Milind Kharat told reporters.

"United India has substantial exposure in Uttarakhand and we are eager to settle the losses," he said.

UIIC had so far received 37 claims, he said, adding that surveyors were unable to reach the damaged sites, to assess the losses.

The claims were mainly from hydel power projects, which suffered substantial losses. There were also claims pertaining to property and vehicle damage.

As the insurances companies expected more claims, the General Managers of four public sector general insurance companies UIIC, New India Assurance, Oriental Insurance and National Insurance would meet in Dehradun next week to devise a strategy for early claim settlement, Kharat added.

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