VIJAYAWADA: The electric crematorium at Swargapuri in Krishnalanka has become a cause of worry for locals as well as washermen at the nearby Dhobighat. Due to the heavy smoke emanating from the crematorium, washed clothes are getting dirty. Several locals have also complained that the smoke is hazardous to their health. The say the heavy smoke is due to the smoke pipe height being very low (only 30 feet). On an average, 10 bodies are cremated every day and it takes 40 minutes to an hour for completing the cremation process. Another reason for discharge of heavy smoke is the usage of old equipment at the crematorium set up in 1991. It is said that the electrical crematorium was adopted by Veeramachaneni Venkateswara Prasad in 2007. Pisaralanka Subrahmanyam, a washerman said that ash emanating from the crematorium is making freshly washed clothes hung on strings at the Dhobighat dirty. "Due to this, we are forced to wash the same clothes twice or thrice a day resulting in loss of energy and time," he added.Midampalli Nagamani alleged he had developed breathing problems due to the smoke. Another local Kodali Sundaraiah said they were suffering for past several years. "Several district collectors and municipal commissioners have visited the place and given assurances they would find a solution. But nothing has been done so far," he added.The caretaker, Gummadi Vijay Kumar said a gas-based crematorium is under construction at Swargapuri. "Once the new one starts working, the existing electrical crematorium will be closed. The gas-based crematorium will commence operation in five to six months. The height of the smoke pipe will also be increased to 120 feet and hence make less smoke," he added.
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