'Yamudiki Mogudu', starring Naresh, Sayaji Shinde and Ramya Krishna in key roles, will be released for Vijayadasami. Director Satthi Babu informs that the talkie part is mostly completed, while the one song pending shoot will be shot in Switzerland from Oct 2-5.
The audio (music by Koti) will be released by the end of this month. As part of post-production, dubbing and graphics work have been on.
It is yet another slanging match between the hero and Yama (played by Shinde).
Tanikella Bharani, Chandramohan, Krishna Bhagawan, Raghu Babu, Chalapathi Rao, AVS, Master Bharath, Sathya Krishna, Sana and others are part of the cast.
Story is by Jaya Siddhu. Dialogues are by Kranthireddy Sakinala. Cinematography is by K Ravindra Babu. Editing is by Gautham Raju. Art is by Kiran Kumar. Fights are by Ganesh.
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