Young couple found with throats slit
Young couple found with throats slit
HYDERABAD: A couple reportedly attempted suicide here on Thursday by slitting their throats with a razor fearing that their parent..

HYDERABAD: A couple reportedly attempted suicide here on Thursday by slitting their throats with a razor fearing that their parents may not consent to their marriage.The police however have a different take on this and suspect that the 25-year-old boy might have slit his lover’s throat and later attempted suicide by slitting his own throat.Police said that as they rushed to the spot the couple were lying in a blood of pool.The police shifted them to Osmania general hospital for medical treatment.Shamirpet inspector, Kasi Reddy said that they received information around 7.30 p.m.from locals and rushed to the spot.The two have been identified as 25-year-old Naresh Goud, resident of Tumugunta, Naredmet and 21- year-old Mamatha, an employee at a private company and resident of Aliabad.While Mamatha’s condition is stable, Naresh Goud’s is said to be critical and he is in coma.

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