Can Personality Change As We Age? Here’s What Scientists Believe
Can Personality Change As We Age? Here’s What Scientists Believe
Our relationships, experiences and cultural beliefs are some of the factors that shape us.

People have often wondered if they can change who they truly are. Is it possible to change our entire personality completely? Well, there are many debates on how experiences and even heredity are the key factors in shaping a person’s personality. Contrary to popular belief, scientists think that personality is not something one has from birth. It takes into factor things like traits and behaviours which can easily change over time.

Is personality predetermined by genetics?

It is quite true that a portion of our personality is influenced by our genes. As per scientific assessments, a person’s personality can be 30 to 60 percent hereditary. There are five major personality traits – neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness. Among these, openness and extraversion are believed to be passed down genetically, while others may have less genetic influence.

Can the environment shape who we are?

While genetics do have a role to play in shaping our personalities, humans are also greatly influenced by their upbringing and environment. Our relationships, experiences and cultural beliefs have a hand in shaping us. For example, if a child is raised in a friendly and positive environment, they are more likely to be well-adjusted and positive.Those who grew up getting repressed, abused or neglected, may show high levels of emotional distress.

Can our personality change over time?

Scientists believe that our personalities can indeed change as we age. The majority of personality changes take place between the ages of 20 and 40. During this time, individuals may experience emotional stability and more self-confidence. Personality can be changed deliberately as well. There are a few techniques to do so, like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and self-directed neuroplasticity. Using these techniques, people can bring a change in their personality. For example, with the help of CBT, a naturally introverted person can develop social skills that may help them become extroverted.

The environment has the power to trigger the suppressed genetic traits as well, which can contribute to the development of personality.

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