Facing Iron Deficiency? Try This Drumstick Soup Recipe By Union Minister Smriti Irani
Facing Iron Deficiency? Try This Drumstick Soup Recipe By Union Minister Smriti Irani
Consuming iron-rich food is essential to prevent iron deficiency and maintain energy levels.

Maintaining optimal iron levels is crucial for overall health, especially for women who commonly suffer from anaemia. Iron deficiency often arises due to factors such as menstrual blood loss and pregnancy. Symptoms of iron deficiency include fatigue, weakness, dizziness and drowsiness. To prevent iron deficiency and maintain energy levels, consuming iron-rich foods is essential. While there are medicinal remedies available for iron deficiency, natural remedies like drumstick soup can also effectively increase iron levels in the body.

Iron plays a vital role in the production of red blood cells and drumsticks are particularly beneficial due to their high phosphorus content, which aids in reducing excess calories and purifying the blood. Additionally, drumsticks offer various health benefits, including assistance with diabetes management, heart health, liver function and immune system support.

Smriti Irani, the Women and Child Development Minister, recently shared a soup recipe featuring drumsticks and lentils, renowned for its health benefits in addressing iron deficiency.


1 cup lentils

3 drumstick pods

1 onion

1 tomato

Small piece of ginger

3 or 4 green bean pods

1 tablespoon ghee

Half a tablespoon of black pepper

Salt to taste


Wash all ingredients thoroughly.

Chop all vegetables.

Heat a pressure cooker and add ghee, onions and tomatoes.

Cook for a while, then add drumsticks and green bean pods.

Add lentils.

Season with black pepper and salt to taste.

Add water and close the lid.

Allow to whistle 2-3 times.

Blend the mixture, then filter it.

Reheat the filtered soup.

Garnish with coriander leaves before serving.

In addition to incorporating iron-rich foods like drumstick soup into your diet, it’s advisable to consume vitamin C-rich foods to enhance iron absorption. Conversely, excessive consumption of coffee and tea should be avoided as they can hinder iron absorption.

By following a balanced diet rich in iron and other essential nutrients, individuals can effectively manage iron deficiency and promote overall well-being.

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