Frequent Fever To Mouth Ulcers, 7 Early Signs Of Cancers
Frequent Fever To Mouth Ulcers, 7 Early Signs Of Cancers
If there are ulcers in the mouth for a long time and are painful, then these can be signs of oral cancer.

Cancer is one of the diseases which becomes difficult to treat if it is diagnosed at a later stage. If you are alert, then you can spot the early signs of this disease and diagnose it in its early stages. It can be minor and common but a vigilant approach towards health can help prevent this disease. Here are some of the common signs which you can note down to stay careful of this deadly disease.

Irregular periods

According to the University of California, most women go through irregular periods occasionally, but if it is happening continuously then it should not be ignored. This can be a sign of cervical cancer or ovarian cancer.

Heavy Stomach

Sometimes the stomach swells up causing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. If this continues for more than two weeks then it could be a sign of stomach cancer or ovarian cancer.

Blueness in the thigh

It is common to get blue patches if you get hurt by something, but if these patches or bruises keep appearing without any injury, then it can be a sign of blood cancer.

Frequent fever

It is not a big deal to have a fever, but if it occurs very frequently then it should not be taken lightly. This can be a sign of leukaemia cancer.


If there are ulcers in the mouth for a long time and are painful, then these can be signs of oral cancer. It can happen to people who smoke.

Changes in the skin

If there is some birthmark on the skin, that is, there is some mark or some kind of colour on the skin from the time of birth and if there is any change in it, then it can be a danger signal. For example, if there is a change in the colour, shape, size, form etc. of the mole, then there can be signs of skin cancer.

Postmenopausal bleeding

The constant bleeding after menopause is a sign of uterine or cervical cancer. There can be many reasons for its occurrence but continuous bleeding can result in cancer.

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