Happy Laughter Day 2022: Messages, Wishes, Quotes and Jokes to Share with Family and Friends
Happy Laughter Day 2022: Messages, Wishes, Quotes and Jokes to Share with Family and Friends
Happy Laughter Day 2022: Here's list of the best messages, wishes, and quotes for you to share with your friends and family

WORLD LAUGHTER DAY 2022: World Laughter Day falls on the first Sunday of May. It aims to raise awareness about laughter and its numerous medicinal advantages. More than 70 countries throughout the world celebrate this day with great delight. The date for this year’s World Laughter Day celebration is May 1.

Since the fun day is here, people would want to extend their blessings and wishes to their loved ones. If you’re looking for some ideas, there’s no need to look any further because we’ve prepared a list of the best messages, wishes, and quotes for you to share with your friends and family. Moreover, there is also a list of jokes available for you.

Messages and Wishes to share on World Laughter Day 2022

1. “All you need is a carefree laugh if you want to stay healthy and happy. I’m sending you my best wishes on this World Laughter Day.”

2. “Make it a fantastic World Laughter Day by making everyone around you laugh and live a joyful life.”

3. “Laughter is the finest therapy for living a happy and healthy life. So laugh every day, and especially more on World Laughter Day.”

4. “Wishing you a very Happy World Laughter Day filled with healthy laughter and amusing jokes to brighten your day.”

5. “World Laughter Day serves as a reminder that we must never pass up an opportunity to laugh in order to add years to our life.”

6. “No matter how many tensions surround us, good chuckles may always put them at bay.”

7. “Do not laugh only because it is World Laughter Day. Laugh because it’s just another day and you’re having a good time.”

8. “Laughter is the best medication that we must all consume every day in order to stay healthy. Happy International Day of Laughter.”

Jokes to share on World Laughter Day 2022:

1. “Just wanted to remind you to stand in front of the mirror and laugh because you make an awesome joke. Happy World Laughter Day.”

2. “There is no problem when you see a cockroach in your pizza. What’s a problem is seeing just half of it.”

3. “Husband sent a message to his wife with one spelling mistake. ‘I wish you were her.’ And now he is in trouble.”

4. “Always marry someone who doesn’t like pizza because then you don’t have to share your pizza at all.”

5. “Laughter is the best medicine but never try this medicine when you are getting scolded by your elders.”

Quotes to share on World Laughter Day 2022:

1. “I have not seen anyone dying of laughter, but I know millions who are dying because they are not laughing” –Madan Kataria

2. “The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter” –Mark Twain

3. “A good laugh is a mighty good thing, a rather too scarce a good thing” –Herman Melville

4. “God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh” –Voltaire

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