Should Diabetics Stay Away from Cornflakes? Here is the Answer
Should Diabetics Stay Away from Cornflakes? Here is the Answer
Grabbing a quick bowl of cornflakes has always sounded very easy and tempting. Also, owing to the marketing gimmicks, the fad that cornflakes offer high nutrition and vitamins sans any calories, many households tend to kick-start the day with this packaged cereal.

Grabbing a quick bowl of cornflakes has always sounded very easy and tempting. Also, owing to the marketing gimmicks, the fad that cornflakes offer high nutrition and vitamins sans any calories, many households tend to kick-start the day with this packaged cereal.

But it is imperative to note that cornflakes are made up of corn, malt flavouring, sugar and high fructose corn syrup. These added sugars contribute zero nutrients, cause obesity, and increase Glycemic Index (GI) – all of which are an absolute no-no for all types of diabetic patients.

Here are the reasons to avoid cornflakes:

1. How quickly foods with carbohydrates raise blood glucose levels is what GI measures. Cornflakes have a GI of 82, which is very high. High GI foods cause sugar spikes in blood opening up doors for many health hazards. Therefore, diabetics must stay away from foods that score high on the GI scale. Instead, they must have foods with low GI as they are easier on the body, digested more slowly and minimize spikes after meals.

2. Protein-dense foods increase insulin secretion, keeping blood sugar levels normal. And cornflakes are low in protein. 1 cup of this cereal comprises 1.7gm of protein which again, is not adequate for diabetic patients.

3. Cornflakes, though are low in fat, owing to their high sugar content help build up fat storage. Thus, consumption of this processed food paves way for many health problems such as obesity, poor cardiac health, PCOD -all of which are way too damaging for diabetics.

4. Owing to cornflakes scoring low on nutritional scale, high on GI scale it poses a threat for non-diabetics too; it enhances the risk of type 2 diabetes in them.

5. Cornflakes are not capable of keeping hunger pangs at bay, though make one feel satiated instantly. As a result, it causes irritability in mood, leads to weight gain.

However, there is no reason to be disheartened seeing cornflakes go out of diet plan. There are plenty other highly healthy alternatives.

Diabetic-friendly breakfast options:

Opt for high fibre cereals with whole grains such as rolled oatmeal, steel-cut oatmeal, and rolled bran. By adhering to the meal’s nutritional value, you can give it a more flavourful turn by adding nuts (as protein), berries, apples, walnuts, almonds, unsweetened soy milk, skim milk, almond milk for taste and texture.

Ensure that your first meal of the day is balanced with food that has enough amount of these-

Protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber and nutrients, low in sugar. This is because these help maintain your GI at desired levels.

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