Why Red Fruits and Vegetables Are Must For Your Immunity
Why Red Fruits and Vegetables Are Must For Your Immunity
Things like strawberries, red cherries, red chilli peppers, tomatoes, watermelon and pomegranate should be included in your diet.

Red-coloured fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and therefore extremely beneficial to our health. These fruits are red because of the lycopene element in them. Lycopene is an essential and powerful antioxidant that boosts immunity in the human body. Red fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, red cherries, red chilli peppers, tomatoes, watermelon and pomegranate should be included in your diet.

Here are some red coloured fruits and vegetables which are beneficial for human health:

Red Apple

Apples are rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and fibres and eating them every day maintains cholesterol levels and benefits the human heart. It also keeps the digestive system healthy and helps patients with diabetes and hypertension.


Beetroot is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants like lycopene, which eliminates the problem of lack of blood in the human body. Eating beetroot regularly energises your body and keeps you fit.


Pomegranates contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help build our immunity stronger. It has an anti-inflammatory property that reduces inflammation in our body.


Tomatoes are a rich source of nutrients along with antioxidants like Vitamin-C and lycopene. Eating them in the salad can be very beneficial for your health, and it will strengthen your immunity.

(Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on general assumptions. News 18 does not confirm the same. Before implementing these, please contact the concerned expert.)

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