Shah Rukh Khan was seen wishing a paparazzi on his birthday. The actor was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Tuesday night.
Shah Rukh Khan stopped to wish a paparazzi on his birthday during his recent spotting. The superstar was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Tuesday night with his security team. SRK appeared to be in a good mood as he greeted the paparazzi and sported a big smile. At the entrance, during the security check, Shah Rukh was surrounded by fans and the paparazzi. At this point, a paparazzo informed Shah Rukh’s manager that it was his birthday.
The Jawan actor overheard the chat and quickly turned to wish the photographer. The cameraman was seen kissing Shah Rukh’s hand. The heartwarming moment was caught on camera and the video of the same has now gone viral. Watch the video below:
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