The Rock's Backyard Moment with Daughter Tiana is Too Pure and the Internet is Loving it
The Rock's Backyard Moment with Daughter Tiana is Too Pure and the Internet is Loving it
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson has shared an endearing moment with his daughter on social media and fans seem to be loving it.

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is a father to three girls– Tiana, Jasmine and Simone. He keeps sharing endearing moments with them on social media as he gives a glimpse of his softer side.

Now, The Rock’s moment with his two-and-a-half year old daughter Tiana Gia is going viral on social media and everyone seems to be loving it. He shared that Tiana soiled his shoes when she too a pee break with his help.

Posting a picture of helping his daughter relieve in the backyard, The Rock wrote, “Baby Tia said she had to pee pee, so we said no problem honey you have a diaper on. Pee and I’ll change it after. She refused to go in her diaper (I don’t blame her:) and asked if she could pee on the grass. Sure, we’re on private property, so daddy takes her to pee pee on the grass. But then she decides to renegotiate (again, I don’t blame her;) and demands daddy pick her up because doesn’t want to “stand on the Lava Monster” so I have to hold her while she pees… all over my new white sneakers. And if I ever find this “Lava Monster” fella I’m whipping it’s ass (hell, I’ll take this precious memory over my sneakers any day) (sic).”

The adorable father-daughter moment is winning over the hearts of many on social media, especially parents, who are totally relating with him over his latest post.

The Rock will be seen in Netflix film Red Notice soon. He will also be making his debut in the DC universe with Black Adam.

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