PM Modi Meets 'Elephant Whisperers' Couple: A Look at Their Story & About Mudumalai National Park
PM Modi Meets 'Elephant Whisperers' Couple: A Look at Their Story & About Mudumalai National Park
Explained: 'The Elephant Whisperers', in its 39-minute runtime, depicts an unbreakable bond between two abandoned elephant calves Raghu and Amu and their caretakers, Bomman and Belli

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday visited the Theppakkadu elephant camp at Mudumalai in the hilly Nilgiris district and interacted with Bellie and Bomman, the elephant caretakers who featured in an Oscar-winning documentary.

The PM expressed delight over meeting the elephant caretaker couple.

Modi, who reached Mysuru in Karnataka on Saturday evening from Chennai following official engagements there, visited the tiger sanctuary briefly today.

Upon his arrival, the PM was accorded a welcome by the pachyderms and he fed sugarcane to some of the elephants in the Theppakkadu camp at the tiger reserve here.

He later interacted with Bellie and Bomman, who have won accolades after they featured in the Academy award-wining documentary, “The Elephant Whisperers.” “What a delight to meet the wonderful Bomman and Belli, along with Bommi and Raghu (elephant calves),” he said in a tweet.

Modi uploaded pictures of him being with the couple and the young elephants, with one of them being in a playful mood with the PM.

What is the Elephant Whisperers About?

“The Elephant Whisperers”, in its 39-minute runtime, depicts an unbreakable bond between two abandoned elephant calves Raghu and Amu and their caretakers, Bomman and Belli.

The documentary also highlights the spectacular natural surroundings of the Mudumalai National Park in Tamil Nadu, South India. It investigates how indigenous people coexist with nature, according to a report by Jagran Josh. “The film is not only a compelling narrative of an animal-human bond and their capacity to coexist, but it also provides insight into Indian culture and the country’s long tradition of environmental preservation,” the report says.

About the Mudumalai National Park

The Mudumalai National Park or Wildlife Sanctuary is located on the northwestern side of the Nilgiri Hills (Blue Mountains) in Nilgiri District, approximately 150 kilometres north-west of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu’s Kongu Nadu area, according to a report by Tour My India. The sanctuary is separated into five ranges by its borders with the states of Karnataka and Kerala: Masinagudi, Thepakadu, Mudumalai, Kargudi, and Nellakota.

Because of its strategic location as a wildlife corridor connecting several other protected areas, the Mudumalai Sanctuary is a vital section of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.

It is bound on the north by Bandipur National Park and Nagarhole National Park, on the west by the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, and on the south by Mukurthi National Park and Silent Valley National Park. These parks, sanctuaries, and reserve forests span about 3,300 square kilometres of forest and maintain a population of 1,800-2,300 elephants.

Flora and Fauna, Best Time to Visit

Though it is open all year, the best months to explore Mudumalai National Park are March to June and September to October, says a report by Travel Triangle.

Mudumalai National Park is home to 55 animal species, including approximately 80 Bengal Tigers, the report says. Deer, gaur, Indian elephant, Bengal tiger, striped hyena, golden jackal, bonnet macaque, leopard cat, and jungle cat are among the creatures that can be seen. The Indian Giant Squirrel, flying squirrel, and rats are examples of rodents found here and among the reptiles are the Asian pit viper, the spectacled cobra, pythons, flying lizards, kraits, and monitor lizards.

In Mudumalai forest area, bamboo, natural Teak, Aredesia, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Jacaranda, Mango, Jamun, Tamarind, Banyan, Pipal, Cinnamon, Ginger, Wild Rice, Pepper, Turmeric, and Plumeria grow abundantly, the report says.

More About the Elephant Whisperers

The film, directed by Kartiki Gonsalves in her directorial debut, was produced by Sikhya Productions and had its world premiere on November 9, 2022, at the DOC NYC Film Festival, one of the most prestigious documentary film festivals in the United States, the Jagran Josh report says.

Following its successful premiere, the film was distributed globally on Netflix on December 8, 2022, allowing audiences all over the world to see the couple’s and their beloved elephant’s poignant narrative. The film has been praised by spectators and critics alike for its gorgeous photography, poignant storyline, and powerful message about the necessity of compassion and understanding in India.

Gonsalves told NPR she wished for people to appreciate and respect elephants as beautiful beasts with intelligence. That awareness, she said, would aid in the protection of their environment, which the Asian elephant is rapidly losing. According to studies, the reasons include encroachment, climate change, and urbanisation.

In The Elephant Whisperers, Bomman and Bellie look after Raghu and another orphaned calf named Ammu. Elephants, like human teens, can go through a phase of stubbornness and refusal to listen as they approach puberty, the report says, as Gonsalves explains that if “they’re permitted to keep doing that, it won’t end well in the long run.”

An elephant calf requires love and compassion as it grows, yet even in a wild herd, adult elephants reprimand the adolescent elephant, according to Gonsalves. Raghu is taken away from Bomman and Bellie by the forest department and given to another caretaker who has more knowledge with teenage elephants. But owing to separation anxiety, Bomman and Bellie miss Raghu terribly.

Moreover, like their human counterparts, the animals are shown to be highly emotional. When Bellie is heartbroken by Raghu’s departure, baby elephant Ammu wipes away her tears in one scene, the NPR report states. In another scenario, Ammu reaches out and wraps her arm around Bomman’s, who is preparing to go bring her milk in the early morning hours, drawing him closer. These are some of Gonsalves’ favourite scenes from the film.

With inputs from PTI

Parts of this story were published on March 13, 2023

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