Scholarship Guide | Teaching or Foreign Student Programmes? How to Pick Fulbright Grants
Scholarship Guide | Teaching or Foreign Student Programmes? How to Pick Fulbright Grants
Fulbright offers several grants, including study, research, English Teaching Assistant. Applicants need to select the scholarship that aligns with their goal and qualification; understand the programme's mission and country-specific requirements to make their application stand out

Studying abroad can be financially challenging for many meritorious students who often opt out due to the expensive course fee, visa charges, accommodation and food expenses. Therefore, scholarships help many to pursue their dreams.

News18 ‘Scholarship Guide’ brings the best and most prestigious grants for Indian students to study abroad, with most of them covering flight tickets, accommodation and course fee; and some also providing stipend.

Fulbright is one of the most diverse scholarship programmes for those who want to pursue humanities, mathematics, science, arts, literature, education and environment and others. It is open to students, researchers, working professionals, and teachers. Beneficiaries can study in not just the US but also in 160 countries across the world.

It is one of the most prestigious scholarships in the world, with some of its alumni including 62 Nobel Prize recipients, 78 MacArthur Foundation Fellows, 89 Pulitzer Prize winners, and 41 current or former heads of state or government.

About the Scholarship

The US government started the scholarship to allow the mobility of students, scholars, and teachers to and from the country. It was ideated by US Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas. Hence, the fellowships are named after him.

The programme that first began in 1946 now offers scholarships to nearly 8,000 people every year, including 2,000 US-based beneficiaries.

The scholarship is attractive also because of the benefits it offers, which include round-trip transportation, academic fees, accommodation, and allowance for the cost of living in the host country.

Fulbright offers scholarships for the US residents, who wish to students abroad, and for foreign nationals who want to study in other countries.

Vibha Kagzi, founder and CEO of, believes it is crucial for students to select the right type of grant under the Fulbright banner. “Fulbright offers various grant types, including study, research, English Teaching Assistant (ETA), and more. Applicants need to select the scholarship that aligns with their goals and qualifications. After selection, they need to craft a compelling research or project proposal that addresses local needs and interests in their host country. Understanding the Fulbright programme’s mission and the country-specific requirements can make their application stronger. Students need to decide their grants beforehand as each country has different eligibility criteria and expectations”.

Types of Fulbright Scholarships

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program is for teachers from across the world to teach, study, and learn English skills in the US.

Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables those who wish to conduct research, and/or teach their native language in the US. Working professionals, artists, researchers, and students all can apply for the programme.

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program is for research scholars from across the world who wish to conduct PhD research at US-based institutes. The duration of this programme can range from one semester to an academic year.

Fulbright Arctic Initiative is for researchers and professionals to study challenges in the Arctic region. This is only for those who belong to Artic Council member countries.

Hubert H. Humphrey Program is one of the most prestigious grants aimed at mid-career professionals. The beneficiaries can pursue higher levels of training at US-based institutes.

India-Specific Grants

Fulbright functions in collaboration with many countries including India. For Indian nationals, there are two exclusive grants.

Fulbright Nehru Scholarship: The US and India collaborate to exchange students at multiple levels including PhD, research scholars, working professionals, and master’s to pursue higher education or research or training at US-based institutes. Applicants need to match their field of study with areas of interest of the institutes. The collaboration offers Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowships, Fulbright-Nehru Doctoral Research Fellowships, Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships, Fulbright-Nehru Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Seminar, Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Chair at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Chair Program at Emory University, Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Chair Program.

Fulbright Kalam Climate Fellowship: These fellowships aim to address the issues of climate change. These are granted at doctoral, postdoctoral research, and academic and professional excellence levels. This includes fields of Energy Studies, Earth Sciences, Geology, Environmental Sciences, Renewable Energy, Smart Cities, Agriculture, Public Policy, Environmental Engineering, and Disaster Resilient Infrastructure. These are aimed at Indian candidates to be affiliated with US-based institutes for up to nine months.

How to Become a Fulbrighter?

To become a Fulbrighter or a Fulbright scholar, one has to undergo a rigorous selection process consisting of an application form, essay, reference letter, documentation, and interview. In some cases, meeting the host country’s language requirement could be mandatory.

The selection programmes differ for each programme and each country. Regardless of which grant one applies for, Fulbright scholarships are highly competitive.

The Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) shortlists candidates based on several criteria including academics and leadership ability. FSSB is a committee appointed by the President of the USA. The FSSB consists of 12 educational and public leaders.

“The Fulbright application process can be highly competitive, so putting in the effort to create a strong, well-researched, and tailored application is crucial. Applicants need to proofread and edit their application to ensure it is error-free and well-structured. They also need to seek feedback and have their mentors, professors, or peers review the application,” according to Kagzi.

She says in order to get shortlisted, candidates need to ensure that their proposal aligns with the Fulbright program’s goals and the host country’s needs. “It is important to conduct in-depth research on the host country and institution to strengthen your proposal”.

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