Breaking toons: Leaders shed crocodile tears over farmers' suicides
Breaking toons: Leaders shed crocodile tears over farmers' suicides
Tragedy usually unites but political parties are seldom known to have displayed such camaraderie. The suicide of a farmer from Rajasthan at Delhi's Jantar Mantar while the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was holding a rally against the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance government has started an ugly and bizarre war of words between different political outfits.

Tragedy usually unites but political parties are seldom known to have displayed such camaraderie. The suicide of a farmer from Rajasthan at Delhi's Jantar Mantar while the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) was holding a rally against the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance government has started an ugly and bizarre war of words between different political outfits.


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