Speaking to the media, Sanjay Singh said AAP is keeping the focus on work for the election. He also unveiled the new slogan of the party and its strategy for the last leg.
New Delhi: Delhi's ruling Aam Aadmi Party is likely to release its manifesto for the February 8 Assembly election on Tuesday, Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh said on Monday.
Speaking to the media, he said his party is keeping the focus on work for the election. He also unveiled the new slogan of the party and its strategy for the last leg.
Singh said in the last three days of campaigning, 500 members of its various frontal organisations will hold 15,000 meetings.
"We will use the slogan 'Acche honge paanch saal - Delhi mein toh Kejriwal' for the last leg of the campaign," Singh said.
Delhi is going to polls on February 8 with counting of votes on February 11.
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