Jagan Reddy Likely to Expand Cabinet on June 7, Call Special Assembly Sessions Afterwards
Jagan Reddy Likely to Expand Cabinet on June 7, Call Special Assembly Sessions Afterwards
Reddy has reportedly decided to include 15 ministers in his first Cabinet, with a possibility of holding a special session of Assembly on June 11 and June 12.

Amaravati: YSR Congress Party President YS Jaganmohan Reddy will expand his Cabinet on June 7 after he takes over as the Andhra Pradesh chief minister on May 30, said sources.

Reddy has reportedly decided to include 15 ministers in his first Cabinet, with a possibility of holding a special session of Assembly on June 11 and June 12.

It was at Reddy’s directive that Chief Secretary LV Subramanyam held a key meeting with Assembly officials in this regard. He instructed the Assembly secretariat to make arrangements for the oath-taking ceremony of the new council of ministers to be held on June 7.

Reddy in Vijayawada performed special pujas at Indrakeeladri — the abode of Goddess Kanaka Durga — and offered silk clothes to the presiding deity as per tradition.

Earlier, Reddy paid homage to his late father YS Rajasekhar Reddy at his memorial in Idupulapaya.

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