Lokpal to cost Rs 200 crore every year
Lokpal to cost Rs 200 crore every year
An additional expenditure of Rs 400 crore would be needed to construct a building to house the establishment of the Lokpal.

New Delhi: How much will Lokpal cost the exchequer every year? According to the financial memorandum attached with 'The Lokpal and Lokayuktas Bill, 2011', the anti-corruption body is expected to incur an expenditure of Rs 200 crore in a financial year.

The memorandum attached to the 97 clause, 65 page bill, however, says that it is not possible to give the "precise details" of the expenditure to be incurred on Lokpal at this stage.

But the memorarundum said it is expected that Lokpal would involve a non-recurring initial expenditure of Rs 100 crore for its establishment.

An additional expenditure of Rs 400 crore would be needed if it becomes necessary to construct a building to house the establishment of the Lokpal.

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