UDF Moves No-confidence Motion against Pinarayi Vijayan Govt in Kerala for First Time in 15 Years
UDF Moves No-confidence Motion against Pinarayi Vijayan Govt in Kerala for First Time in 15 Years
A medical team conducted rapid antigen tests on the members early in the morning and social distancing in seating arrangements have also been ensured.

The opposition Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) Monday moved a no-confidence motion against the Pinarayi Vijayan-led Left government in Kerala, raising a slew of allegations including the gold smuggling case. Congress legislator V D Satheeshan moved the motion,saying the Chief Minister's office was "hijacked" by the gold smuggling gang.

"While the Chief Minister was attending the press conference and saying that everything was fine with thegovernment and was ready to face any probe, his formerprincipal secretary was being questioned by investigating agencies for hours," Satheeshan said. He said the ministers and the chief minister were trying to "put all the blame in the gold smuggling matter on the shoulders of suspended senior IAS officer and former IT Secretary M Sivashankar".

The state government has been facing severe criticismfrom the opposition Congress and the BJP, who alleged links ofthe gold smuggling case accused with the Chief Minister'sOffice. The state government had earlier suspendedSivashankar, for his alleged links with Swapna Suresh, a keyaccused in the gold smuggling case involving diplomaticbaggage addressed to the UAE consulate here.

The Speaker P Sreeramakrishnan has allotted five hoursfor the discussion on the no-confidence motion, the firstagainst the four-year-old Pinarayi Vijayan government. Adhering to strict COVID-19 protocols, the KeralaAssembly convened for a day on Monday and passed the FinanceBill 2020-21, which could not be passed after the state budgetin February as the House was adjourned sine die on March 13due to the coronavirus scare.

The opposition has been attacking the government onvarious issues, including the gold smuggling case and Life Mission housing project for the poor since the past few days. In the 140-member house, LDF has 91 members and UDF45.

A no-confidence motion against the government is being brought after 15 years. It was in 2005, that the then minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan had moved a motion alleging corruption against the Oommen Chandy government.

However, the UDF, is in aquagmire as the Jose K Manifaction of its ally Kerala Congress has decided to stay away from the motion owing to a factional feud. The Kerala Congress party has five members, three belonging to party chairman P J Joseph and two of Jose Manifaction.

P C George, an independent member, has said he willvote for the motion. BJP has one member– O Rajagopal.

The by-election to the Rajya Sabha seat which fellvacant after the death of sitting member 83-year-old M P Veerendra Kumar, a media baron and veteran socialist, on May 28, is progressing in the Assembly today. The session was to have been held on July 27, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 situation.

A medical team conducted rapid antigen tests on the members early in the morning and social distancing in seating arrangements have also been ensured. However, visitors were not allowed for the session.

Each member will have a separate seat for the session,and provided with a sanitiser, mask and a pair of gloves andthose entering the assembly complex were subjected to thermal scanning.

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