Google Maps shows Android robot mascot peeing on the Apple logo
Google Maps shows Android robot mascot peeing on the Apple logo
The image of an Android robot mascot seen relieving itself on the Apple logo in Google Maps has the Internet amused.

New Delhi: The image of an Android robot mascot relieving itself on the Apple logo in Google Maps has the Internet amused. The image that appeared on Google Maps near the city of Rawalpindi in Pakistan, could be seen only in the the Map view. It, however, disappeared when users switched to the Satellite view.

This image was shared by a user on Hacker News followed by more users posting other evidences of mischief on Google Maps.Similarly, a search for Takht Pari Forest on the Google Maps gives you a result criticising Google's review policy. It has the text next to a frowny face that reads: "Google Review Policy is crap".Another link shared by another user takes you to a Google Maps location that features a smiley.While the actual reasons behind these acts are unknown, it is possible that these changes have been added with the help of Google's Map Maker tool that have been accidentally approved.Citing a Google spokesperson, Mashable reports, "the image is likely a result of a user abusing Map Maker, the tool that allows everyone to contribute to Google Maps. Even though edits are moderated, occasionally the odd inaccurate or cheeky edit may slip through our system," adding, "We've been made aware of the issue and are working on getting it removed."

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