Bengaluru Biker’s 'Thank You Note' After Accident Is Winning Hearts
Bengaluru Biker’s 'Thank You Note' After Accident Is Winning Hearts
The survivor took to Reddit to pen a heartfelt note titled 'Beautiful People... Beautiful City' and thanked all the strangers who came forward to help him.

In the bustling streets of Bengaluru, amidst the chaos of everyday life, a heartwarming tale of human kindness emerged from the aftermath of an accident. A survivor, deeply moved by the compassion of strangers who rushed to his aid, took to the social media platform Reddit to pen a heartfelt note titled “Beautiful People… Beautiful City :)).”

@adithya’s heartfelt post starts with a vivid recounting of the terrifying incident that unfolded at Lal Bagh in Bengaluru. He described the moment his bike skidded on the gravel, causing him to lose control. The accident threw both him and his pillion on the road, resulting in injuries to his right hand.

After the accident, @adithya shared how strangers came to his aid during the distressing moment. He recounted the remarkable kindness of a rickshaw driver who stopped amidst the traffic, reassured him, and took him to the hospital. The driver even ensured that the treatment started before departing, all without expecting any payment in return.

Next, he recounted how a Swiggy delivery agent, a young man in his mid-twenties, offered water to comfort him during the ordeal. Additionally, he expressed gratitude for another individual who took the initiative to move his bike from the road to a safe location, ensuring its security, before returning the keys to him safely.

Later in his post, @adithya extended his gratitude towards an elderly man who remained by his side throughout the ordeal. He appreciated the man’s comforting presence, as he continuously reassured him that everything would be alright.

In closing, @adithya’s message was accompanied by a humble note: “PS – I don’t speak Kannada at all… (Thought this might be a relevant bit of info) Once again, Thank you so much!!!”

Beautiful People….. Beautiful City :))byu/adithya— inbangalore

His heartfelt gratitude sparked an overwhelming response from social media users, with many sharing their own stories of kindness.

“This is so so wholesome! I was in a similar situation where a car coming from the wrong way bumped my scooter leading me to fall on the road. So many people came to help me get up and pick up my bag. They also shouted at the driver on my behalf because I was so stunned and didn’t know what to do. So grateful for them,” one user wrote.

“Last year during rainy month, my bike got stuck in heavy mud and I fell down. A kid probably 10 year old came to help me inspite of heavy rain. Felt so great and heartful,’ another wrote.

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