‘Daily Gym, Low-carb Diet’: 52-year-old Woman Bodybuilder's Fitness Mantra
‘Daily Gym, Low-carb Diet’: 52-year-old Woman Bodybuilder's Fitness Mantra
The woman, Jane Woodhead, says that after losing weight, she feels motivated and has gained self-confidence.

Fitness is an important part of many people’s lives these days. We see fitness stories going viral on the internet every day. Recently, a similar story came to the fore. A 52-year-old British woman won a bodybuilding championship. She revealed her secret to remaining fit, which is currently garnering everyone’s attention. According to a report on the Daily Mail website, Jane Woodhead – who lives in Parkgate, Wirral – has shocked people who think that people of her age should retire from everything. She won the British Bikini Athlete Championship. According to her, one should have focus and devotion.

As per report, the title she has won was in the above 50-year-old category. By looking at her, no one can tell what her real age is though! People are surprised to know about her gym and daily routine. Jane said that she was never very fat, but she was troubled by her weight. Many times, she even cried while sitting in the gym. In just 5 months, she reduced her weight from 62 kg to 52 kg.

In the interview, Jane said that she walks 15 to 20 thousand steps every day. She wakes up at 5.30 in the morning and goes to the gym, seven days a week. After that, she goes to work. Jane works as a UK consumer PR director. She takes a low-carb diet. She says that after losing weight, she feels very motivated and has also gained self-confidence.

According to the Daily Star, her parents have died. Jane said that she knows that when they (parents) look at her from above, they will be happy with her success.

Few days ago, another bodybuilder named Jim Arrington made the headlines. There have been rumours that he was born prematurely and had several health issues as a kid. That started to change when he started attending the gym as a youngster in the late 1940s and made the decision that he wanted to get muscular like his favourite superheroes.

Reports suggest that Jim continues to workout for two hours at least twice a week at Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach, even after seven decades. He claims he has no intentions to retire, having competed in his final bodybuilding competition in 2022. As a result, at 90 years old, he is now the world’s oldest professional bodybuilder.

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