Noticed These Handles In Your Car? Know Their Purpose
Noticed These Handles In Your Car? Know Their Purpose
Many of us hold them when the car is running fast or when the driver applies brakes suddenly.

Car is considered to be one of the most comfortable means of transport. While there are many types and ranges of cars available today in the market, people choose the ones that suit their requirements in the given budget. In such cases, some features go off when you prefer a lowered-range car and vice versa.

There are certain features that none of the brands or models fail to implement in any of the cars, as they usually have certain functions to offer. One such thing is the handles placed above the doors in the car.

You might have wondered why they are even placed above the door while you are sitting comfortably in the car. Although, many of us use it to hold when the car is running fast or the driver has held the brake suddenly. The real function of these handles is still unknown to many.

According to, these handles are being installed for those people who cannot get in or out of the car without assistance. With the help of these handles placed above the doors, people can easily get in and come out of the car by holding it.

As the website mentions, the main reason for these handles to be installed is to help out the disabled, elderly, and pregnant people. Also, if someone comes in a wheelchair, he or she can easily hold it and go inside. That is the only reason why it is placed above the doors.

Apart from these, the cars do have other such facilities that make the passengers’ journey comfortable. Meanwhile, everything that is placed in a car is intended to have a certain reason. One such thing is the placement of the steering. This might have intrigued your mind sometimes why is it placed on the side and not in the middle?

The actual reason behind its placement on the left or right side of the car is to help the driver keep an eye on the distance. Through this, the driver takes a little edge and gets to know which vehicle is moving in front of the next one without taking the whole car out of the lane.

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