This Chef Breaks World Record With Nearly 60-Hour Online Game Marathon
This Chef Breaks World Record With Nearly 60-Hour Online Game Marathon
This feat added another GWR to Barnabas' collection, making him the champion for the longest MMORPG and Warcraft marathon.

Showcasing incredible talents, now several enthusiasts are creating world records in different domains. From growing up 18 cm arm hair to a 55-hour punching record, there are individuals who opt for unconventional roles. Now, a chef from Hungary has cooked up a new world record. Meet Barnabas Vujity-Zsolnay, who has excelled in the world of online gaming, clinching the prestigious title of Guinness World Records (GWR) holder. He conquered the title for the longest videogame marathon playing an MMORPG, clocking in a staggering 59 hours and 20 minutes in World of Warcraft. That is nearly two and a half days of continuous gameplay, smashing the previous record by an impressive 23 hours and 31 minutes, reports suggest.

Barnabas’ entire record attempt was live-streamed, with all proceeds going to charity, NDTV report suggests. The event, hosted by a website, showcased his dedication not only to gaming but also to giving back. This feat added another GWR to Barnabas’ collection, making him the champion for both the longest MMORPG marathon and the longest World of Warcraft marathon.

As per the GWR, World of Warcraft, similar to other MMORPGs, allows players to create a character and explore a virtual world where they can fight monsters and complete quests with other players. Barnabas passed the time by clearing dungeons with his friends as well as battling other players in designated arenas. However, after playing for 30 hours, he informed he began to get bored as he’d run out of things to do, and around the 45-hour mark, he began to hallucinate.

“I noticed mild hallucinations starting to form. It was funny but also hard to concentrate while live streaming,” Barnabas asserted. As per the rules of every ‘longest marathon’ record, Barnabas accumulated five minutes of rest time after every continuous hour of playing. Only during these breaks could he eat, sleep, or use the bathroom.

Barnabas shared that it was “really hard to cope” with fatigue. “I never felt it necessary to consume any caffeine, instead opting for water only. I drank around 15 liters over the course of his record attempt,” the GWR Holder added.

Barnabas is no stranger to marathon gaming sessions. He has been playing World of Warcraft consistently for over a decade, and as a teenager, he would often play for up to 10 hours on weekdays and 16 hours on weekends.

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