Video Captures Stunning View Of Two Ocean Water Bodies Not Mixing
Video Captures Stunning View Of Two Ocean Water Bodies Not Mixing
A man’s hand can be seen against this backdrop, holding a transparent tube, filled with the waters of each ocean.

Our planet is a marvel in itself. We are surrounded by nature’s most magnificent gifts, which reminds us how we are living in a surreal place. A video is making rounds on social media, showing two water bodies, visibly different to each other. The awe-inspiring thing about it is that despite being side to side, the two waters are not mixing. Why is that? Let us know. The video is shared on Instagram. It captures the stunning view of two ocean water flowing side by side, but never meeting. A man’s hand can be seen against this backdrop, holding a transparent tube, filled with the waters of each ocean. The person is trying to mix the liquids when they still hold their hands to show the viewers the results. Shockingly, despite forcing the two liquids to mix, even in the tube the two waters refuse to mix at all. In the background the two waters flow together beautifully, not mixing an ounce.

The caption goes into more details on the phenomenon we are witnessing. It states, “Did you know the pacific and Atlantic oceans don’t mix!” Sharing the reason behind the marvel, the caption further says, “This separation is a result of the differences in water density, salinity, and temperature.”

Netizens share their reactions in the comment section below. The first user wrote, “Imagine living on the dirty side of the world.” A second user expressed, “I can’t be the only one who thinks that lowkey looks terrifying.” A third netizen wondered, “So if we shake the earth up and down the sea will go clear.”

Many users questioned the authenticity of the video, commenting that the location mentioned is not accurate. One user wrote, “The Atlantic Ocean is nowhere near the Gulf of Alaska bro!!” Another wrote, “Amount of misinformation in this post is amazing.” A netizen claimed that it is the yellow river from China. The video is liked more than 3,45,000 times while amassing over 28 million views on Instagram so far.

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