Car bomb explodes near mosque in rebel-held Yemen; Shiite Muslims targetted
Car bomb explodes near mosque in rebel-held Yemen; Shiite Muslims targetted
The explosion went off outside the Kobbat al-Mehdi mosque where Shiiite Muslims are known to pray.

Sanaa A car bomb exploded on saturday near a mosque in the Old City of the rebel-held Yemeni capital Sanaa, causing casualties, witnesses and security sources said.

The explosion went off outside the Kobbat al-Mehdi mosque where Shiiite Muslims are known to pray, the sources said, without being able to specify how many people were killed or wounded.

Iran-backed Shiite rebels known as Huthis overran Sanaa in September last year and have since expanded their control to other parts of Yemen, forcing President Abedrabbo Mansour

Hadi and his government to flee to Saudi Arabia.

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