Dublin Pub Adorns Urinal With Trump's Portrait
Dublin Pub Adorns Urinal With Trump's Portrait
The Adelphi pub has said that it was an outlet for people to express their feelings.

London: A new pub in the Irish capital of Dublin has used US Republican party presidential nominee Donald Trump's portrait as the decor for its urinal.

The Adelphi pub has said that it was an outlet for people to express their feelings and that it would be removed if the controversial billionaire were to be elected as the next US President in the November polls.

"If he is elected by the people of the United States, we will take it down immediately as we feel it would then be disrespectful to the American people,"Adelphi bar manager Tony McCabe told 'Entertainment.ie'.

"I just felt that it was a way for some people to express their feelings towards Trump's views and to make their trip to the bathroom a 'wee' bit more entertaining," he said.

On the bar's Facebook page, the pub's employees joked that "based on the urinal's popularity among its male customers, they are open to suggestions for similar decor for the ladies' toilets as well".

The pub said that it had not received any complaints about the urinal's new look so far. Dublin is not the first city to use Trump as an inspiration for people to relieve themselves.

The District Stop nightclub in Winnipeg, Canada, placed a urinal in the middle of a mural of Trump where his mouth should be and Chinese manufacturers have designed toilet paper featuring the American presidential candidate's image.

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