Four Root Canals, Eight Crowns and 20 Fillings in Single Sitting Leaves Woman Disfigured, Dentist Sued
Four Root Canals, Eight Crowns and 20 Fillings in Single Sitting Leaves Woman Disfigured, Dentist Sued
The dentist performed 32 procedures during a single appointment on a Minnesota woman.

A woman from Minnesota filed a malpractice lawsuit claiming her dentist left her disfigured as a result of 30 procedures during a single appointment. Kathleen Wilson filed a civil lawsuit against Dr. Kevin Molldrem and Molldrem Family Dentistry in Hennepin County District Court last week because she was forced to visit other dentists to fix the errors made by Molldrem which caused her “significant injuries”, according to a report by CNN.

Wilson alleged that Molldrem performed eight crowns, four root canals and 20 fillings in a single visit in July 2020. In the lawsuit, she also alleged that Molldrem provided her with anaesthesia “well in excess of (the) recommended dosage” and then falsified records to alter the amount of anaesthetic administered.

The woman’s lawyer, Nathaniel Weimer, retained Dr. Avrum Goldstein, a dentist who serves on the faculty at a Florida university and are presenting him as an expert witness to review Wilson’s records, CNN said citing the affidavit by the woman’s lawyer.

The expert witness acknowledged Molldrem’s diagnosis that “virtually every tooth” inside Wilson’s mouth had decay was correct but highlighted that the treatment was wrong.

The expert witness said the woman “required a slow, thoughtful, careful and measured response to her disease”. He said that “trying to fill every hole in every tooth in her mouth in one visit” was “not humanly possible to achieve”, according to the news agency.

He said that anaesthetic administered to Wilson “grossly exceeded” limits of what is considered safe. Molldrem gave Wilson 960 mg dosage of anaesthetic but she would only require 490 mg.

“There are finite amounts of anaesthetic that can be administered over (a) 5- or 6-hour period, and exceeding that amount places the patient at risk for an overdose of anaesthetic and potential(ly) harmful effects,” the expert witness noted.

Wilson is seeking in excess of $50,000 in damages and claims she endured pain and embarrassment at the hands of Molldrem, whose website says that he has been a dentist for 20 years.

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