Using Rubber Bands
Place the ink cartridge of the tag face-down. The ink cartridge is the part of the tag that juts out of the plastic. It is on the opposite side of the pin, which is the round part of the tag.
Pull the part of the clothing with the tag away from the rest of the clothing. Move it as far away as possible so the ink doesn't ruin the clothing as much if the sensor cracks.
Slip a rubber band around the pin of the security tag. The rubber band should be large and thick enough to be strong, but thin enough to fit around the pin. This will loosen the pin.
Hold the larger part of the ink tag with one hand.
Pull the pin off with the other hand. The pressure of the pins should be strong enough so that the pin eventually pops off or easily pulls apart from the rest of the tag. If the rubber band didn't loosen it enough, try again with multiple rubber bands.
Using a Screwdriver
Place the item of clothing on the floor with the ink cartridge facing up.
Take a very thin flathead screwdriver and place it along the edge of the raised square pyramid.
Press down hard. This should pierce the plastic and pull it up.
Continue to pop up the perimeter of the plastic.
Remove the silver paper lining. You'll be able to see the metal plate below it.
Use the screwdriver to lift one of the metal arms that holds the pin in place.
Slide the pin away from the tag. The pin should easily slide through the now-free hole and the tag should be removed.
Using a Magnet
Find a high-powered magnet. You can use a hard drive magnet or a rare earth magnet since most tags are deactivated in stores with electromagnetic devices.
Place the dome side of the tag against the magnet.
Pull the magnet away from the tag. The two parts of the tag should separate. If they don’t separate on their own, apply a little force. For instance, if you’re using a security tag that has a pin on the back, you may need to simply pull the pin out.
Freezing the Tag
Freeze the garment with the ink tag. Freeze the garment overnight for best results.
Rip open the tag. You can just use your hands, pliers, or the rubber band method. This will ensure that the ink won't spill everywhere if you make a mistake -- ink can't spill if it's frozen.
Hitting the Tag
Gently pull the tag away from the clothing a few times. Do this ten or so times, until it loosens the pin a bit.
Find a large nail. The nail should be bigger than the tag, and the head of the nail should be at least as wide as a penny.
Pull the tag away from the clothing. Hold the long plastic part of the tag to the side.
Hit down on the ink cartridge until it pops open. Without applying too much force, repeatedly strike down on the ink cartridge until it pops open. You may have to hit it twenty or more times to get it right. Be careful not to hit it too hard, or the tag will be more likely to burst open.
Using Needle-Nose Pliers
Hold the security tag with the ink cartridge side up.
Grip one of the sides of the rectangular tag with a pair of pliers.
Grip the other side of the tag with a different pair of pliers.
Gently bend each side of the tag down using the pliers. Don't bend too hard or the tag will crack in half and spill ink everywhere.
Keep bending until it pops open. This should loosen the pin and make it pop off.
Using Brute Force for Electro-Magnet Tags
Put something between the tag and the head of the pin to give it some slack.
Bend the pin back and forth until it breaks.
Pull the tag straight back so the pin exits the hole it originally went through.
Break open the tag.
Burning the Tag
Burn the dome-like portion of the tag with a lighter. After burning it for few seconds, it will, most likely, catch fire as it’s plastic.
Use a knife or similar object to chop the dome.
As you keep scooping in, you will find a spring and tag will pretty much pop out.
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