PUDUCHERRY: Congress Lok Sabha member P Kannan on Monday urged the government to depute ministers to each commune with administrative and financial powers for the execution of relief and rehabilitation work.Touring the cyclone affected areas extensively on Sunday and Monday, he said it was not possible for the chief minister alone to oversee all the work and hence it should be decentralised by deputing a minister.Administrative and financial powers were important to take decisions and sanction funds for execution of the work, he said. The works needed to be taken up on a war-footing to bring the livelihoods of the affected people back to normal.He said that without waiting for central funds work should be taken up but promised that the Central government would release sufficient funds. As an MP of the Congress party, he was confident of the Centre releasing the necessary funds as the attitude of the government of India was highly helpful towards the cyclone affected people. He said that if the Chief minister complained on the inadequacy of funds provided, then he would take it up with the Centre. While assuring that he would not keep quiet if insufficient funds were released, Kannan said that if need be he was prepared to resign and join the agitation with people. “I will come and be with you till the last post,” he said. Stating that the damage has been extensive, Kannan urged the government to enhance the solatium to ` 10 lakh as the ` 2 lakh solatium was not adequate. Moreover some workers of the electricity department and other departments had died in restoration work. Their families also should be compensated with solatium and employment be provided to the legal heir. The Lok Sabha MP also wanted the government to waive the loans due to farmers, fishermen. He said they have been devastated with loss of their crops and livelihood and sought 100 per cent compensation for them. He wanted the government to construct houses for those whose dwellings had been damaged in the cyclone.He cautioned the government against using the relief funds provided by the Centre for other purposes. He was accompanied by MLA K Lakshminarayanan during his visit.
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