Mums get in shape, hit the streets with prams
Mums get in shape, hit the streets with prams
Fitness craze has taken a whole new meaning with mums in Sydney.

When personal trainer Vanessa Richardson became a mother for the first time two months ago, she saw a void in the fitness market.

Wanting to have baby Jordan near when she worked out, she devised classes so other mums could too.

Vanessa is hoping that her offering - 10 dollars for an hour class – will be taken up by the young mums seriously.

“I know how hard it is for some women to leave their babies at a gym or creche and work out,” The Daily Telegraph her, as saying.

“They don't concentrate on their workout as much because they are worried about their children,” she said.

During her session, women do a cardio workout, using the pram as a tool for tricep dips, squats and balance before going indoors for a weights and abdominal routine.

Richardson, who runs her own company Fit-Tribe, said she would have a minder on hand to help out if a child becomes restless.

####Sydney mums hit the streets with prams to get in shape

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