RTE: Students move from BBMP schools
RTE: Students move from BBMP schools

The parents of 100 students who are studying in BBMP schools have taken the transfer certificates (TC) of their wards to get them admitted to private schools under Right to Education (RTE) Act.

The BBMP runs 178 primary, secondary schools and 38 high schools. According to sources, 18,203 students were studying in these schools last year. This year, this number has reduced to 18,100.

“These students are not dropouts but many of them are taking TCs from our schools,” sources said. When contacted, BBMP’s Education Officer Gopal denied that any such development has taken place.”In fact, we take 80 students per class. The demand is more and we are directing the excess students to join nearby government schools. The RTE Act has not affected BBMP schools in any manner,” he claimed.

Meanwhile, Standing Committee Chairman (Education) Govindaraj agrees that some students are taking TCs from schools to join the nearby private schools.

“More  children from government schools are taking TCs than children from BBMP schools,” he stated. Now, the civic body seems to have woken up to this latest development. Govindaraj said that they are soon starting an awareness programme to “educate” parents about benefits of studying in BBMP schools. “We are giving quality education. We not only give uniforms and books, but also quality meals which these RTE children do not get in private schools. We are also involving teachers and conducting a meeting. Ultimately, it all depends on teachers,” he observed.

A senior teacher from one of the BBMP schools, said that there is a decline in the number of students joining first standard. “We are not getting many students for the first standard like earlier. The parents of many students are taking TCs of their kids. We are facing shortage of staff,” the teacher said.

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