What not to eat on a Valentine's date
What not to eat on a Valentine's date
Here are some pointers to help you not to blow your romantic date.

SO you're with your favourite squeeze on Valentine's Day. We bring you three situations that you may be familiar with.

SCENE 1: The setting and the mood is perfect. Romantic candlelight dinner, soft piped music, and exotic food. The food arrives, and what's on the menu? Exotic giant lobster. Now, you may just love lobster, but all that breaking into that tough shell could really use another location and another time.

SCENE 2: Outfit and makeup: check, hot date: check, location: the nearby fast food joint. No way!

SCENE 3: In your excitement to look your best for your Valentine's date, you eat just about everything in your kitchen, or not eat anything at all. The result; a very uncomfortable stomach. Feel that air circulating in your stomach? (Yes, we hear those excrutiating groans)

Yes, it is the unwritten law that says: In order to avoid these embarrassing situations, here are some of the things you just have to drill into your head before a romantic date.

We ask foodie-cum-food writer Rushina Munshaw-Ghildiyal from Mumbai for clues as to what foods you need to to avoid like the plague.

Tricky sticky

Pasts and Lasagne

Really tricky one there. Remember, a pasta could be A. soggy and B. difficult to navigate through. (Darn that fork!) So, remember to ask for a pasta type that will not have to make your clothes rush to the nearest dry cleaners.

Poulomi, a journalist from Mumbai remembers a time when her boyfriend and she were enjoying a quiet romantic date at their favourite restaurant.

"I was so busy chatting with my boyfriend that I forgot about my very slippery pasta," she laughs. "As I was making a point during our conversation, the spaghetti slipped right out of my fork and landed on my lap. I was wearing a sparkling white top that day. It was not a good sight."

Fart alert

It happens, folks! As much as you'd like to believe otherwise, we ARE human, and it happens. So, to stay as far away from it as possible during a date, here's what you should look out for.

Cabbage and lettuce

Yes, your next salad could just be the cause for much concern, if you are not careful enough. So, say a bye-bye to the scheming Coleslaw.


"Beans, beans, the healthy food, the more you eat, the more you toot ..."

You've heard that one before. We all love beans (chilly, yumm!) but on a date, no way. These little ones have the ability to climb down your digestive tract that work its magic faster than you can say the rhyme.

Slurp blurp


Mostly soups are safe to eat and most time easy on the stomach, but just keep in mind the following:

Piping hot soups make your nose runny, so keep that tissue handy.

Slurping your soup is not always a pleasant sound (or sight). So keep the volume down to bare minimum.


Fish and seafood

That lobster or crab might just look exotic and delicious enough to eat, but don't just gorge it down. Look for all the signs of allergies before you chow down.

Sushmita, an MBA student from Kolkata remembers a time when her guy decided to give her a surprise and take her to a new south Asian exotic restaurant.

The food looked delicious. There was prawns, lobster, crabs, seafood and the like, which I just love to eat. I have a little bit of allergy while having prawns, but I my greed just got the better of me. I chomped down a plate of chilly prawns.

For about 10 minutes everything was fine. But I soon started getting an itchy feeling in my food pipe. I was feeling terribly ill but I did not tell my boyfriend because I didn't want him to feel bad.

But once we got on the road, I could not control myself. I asked him to pull up to the curb and I puked out everything I ate. Since then, NO more prawns for me, siree!"

Mint needed!

Garlic / Onion

If you are looking forward to that romantic kiss at the end of the evening, then having something with loads of onion or garlic is certainly not going to help you. But if that crispy garlic chicken is just too appealing, make sure you have lots of mint handy.

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