In July, several key Hindu festivals and fasts will take place, including the Rath Yatra dedicated to Lord Jagannath, Devshayani Ekadashi, Gauri Vrat Prarambh and the grand festival of Sawan.
Each of the 12 months in the year holds its significance, with different fasts and festivals celebrated in Hinduism. June saw the celebration of important Hindu festivals such as Vat Savitri and Ganga Dussehra. As we transition into July, it is important to note that this month holds substantial significance. In July, several key Hindu festivals and fasts will take place, including the Rath Yatra dedicated to Lord Jagannath, Devshayani Ekadashi, Gauri Vrat Prarambh, and the grand festival of Sawan devoted to Lord Shiva. Let’s take a look at other significant fasts and festivals that will be celebrated in July.
Here is a detailed list of important fasts and festivals that will be celebrated in July:
- (Gupt Navratri occurs twice a year, with 10 Mahavidyas worshipped over 9 days. This period is particularly important for Aghoris and those practising Tantra Vidya.)
- (Starting from the second day of Shukla Paksha in Ashadh and ending on 10 July, this festival involves Lord Jagannath going on a city tour with his sister and brother.)
- (Marking the sun’s transition from Uttarayan to Dakshinayan, during which nights become longer and days shorter, and it is believed that the influence of negative forces increases.)
- (On Devshayani Ekadashi, Lord Vishnu is believed to go into sleep for four months, during which all auspicious activities are paused.)
- (Observed by married women and unmarried girls for good fortune.)
- (Celebrated as the birthday of Ved Vyas, the author of the Mahabharata, and also known as Vyas Purnima. Worshiping teachers on this day is believed to bring success in one’s career.)
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